Thank You Holly

12/11/2024 7:08 PM | Anonymous

My very first AA meeting was in western MA. I had gone to visit my sister who was in recovery, and she took me. It was a women’s meeting. I cried the whole hour.

When I returned to Seattle, I was maybe a week sober. My life was a mess. My marriage would end after that first year sober. My young daughter would go back and forth to her parents’ houses.

But this isn’t about all that—This is about Holly.

I found a women’s meeting close to my house after visiting my sister. It was a Friday 5:30 meeting. I don’t remember what the name of it was. It was in a church room. When I walked into it there were maybe 10 women. I listened and was shocked to hear the crazy things these women had done while drinking—and they were laughing! Soon I was too. I realized I hadn’t laughed like that in at least a year.

At the end of the meeting, a woman came up to me and welcomed me. She told me it would be ok. Somehow, she shared that she had two years sober and I was in awe! I couldn’t imagine that could be me if I stuck with AA. She told me some of the women go out for dinner after the meeting and she invited me, but I said I couldn’t because my daughter would have to be with me, and I didn’t have anyone to babysit her.

“My daughter can babysit her. You could come to my place; they could meet and then we will go to the meeting together”. So, I did. My daughter loved Katharine. I got to go to a meeting and then have dinner with women in recovery! I did this for the whole of my first year of sobriety. My AA angel—Holly. She gave me the most wonderful one-year anniversary party!

We went to meetings in Seattle for more than 15 years and then Holly moved. My daughter grew up and didn’t need babysitting. Holly and I still had many adventures. We gardened together when I visited when we could and helped each other stay sober. I had a great sponsor, but Holly was my AA best friend.

Two weeks ago, her daughter contacted me that Holly had died. She had a stroke and died 4 days later. I don’t think we had spoken for maybe a year. I would see pictures on Facebook, but we hadn’t visited in a few years.

At my meeting this week here in Green Valley, AZ, we read the first half of the 12th step. Holly carried the message to me. Over and over again she cheered me on and when she died, she still had 2 more years than me—36 years!

So, if you think that your being in recovery hasn’t really helped since you never went on a Bill Wilson type 12 step call, think again. Each meeting is a chance to welcome someone and help them

Thank you, Holly.