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Conversations with the Practicing Alcoholic

03/15/2023 11:31 AM | Anonymous

“You promised to do something about your drinking, but that you had to think about taking that step.” That’s no promise; that’s fantasy.”

“Hedging your bets doesn’t aid attaining your sobriety. It’s just the old effort to get the spouse or boss off your back. You’ve broken that promise before. C'mon, it’s not forever anyway. In the Program we quit only for today. You can do that.”

“You must quit for yourself—not for your father, mother, husband, or minister. This disease is an addictionphysically and mentally.”

“Even I, as one in recovery, remains an addict and powerless over a deeply held thirst for alcohol.”

“The grinding tragedy of it all is that help is available and all one has to do is accept that fact and work the Program.”

“Yes, this is a disease never curedonce an addict, always an addict.”

“And to make it worse, this disease always worsens. Even after a goodly amount of time of sobriety, a drink will put you right back on that downward slope you jumped off of all those years ago.”

“Sure, I too remember those early days of drinking, but it wasn’t fun at the end.”

“You’re right. Don’t go to the meetings just to protect or grow your own sobriety. The Program tells us we also have an obligation to carry the message to those still suffering. In some ways we ‘get it’ by ‘giving it away to others.’”

“Worried about finding all those bottles you hid? Don’t worry. You don’t remember where you hid them way back when and you’ll probably find them the next time you’re upgrading the insulation in the walls of your den.”

“Yes, you are absolutely correct: your complete attention back then was devoted to seeing how long you can fool your family that you weren’t still drinking. You looked at this as a gamepure and simple.”

“Of course, those gala holiday parties are tempting. Everyone else is over-doing it, but you don’t have that option so don’t go to those gala events as you call them. The guests won’t miss you for they’re too busy making certain they get enough free booze.”

“You’re correct, yes indeed. Working the Program will change your life. It’s a fresh start free of those old drunken hangovers.”

“Yes. You’ll have to adjust all aspects of your now alcohol-free life. You won’t have that phony crutch to deal hide behind. The Program offers a Higher Power that will be with you no matter what happens. It gives us a chance to get outside ourselves and carry an attitude of accepting a spiritual strength, a life of serenity. Maintaining and deepening your own alcohol-free life is enough to worry about and making sure you go to those daily meetings available no matter where you are or what you are doing. Today you can ZOOM anywhere, any day, at any time. Don’t tell us you can’t find a meeting.”

“Just keep coming back. The Program works if you work it.”

Jim A/Traditions Assisted Living, Lebanon, Ohio

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