i stand in awe and receive by anonymous

01/12/2013 1:26 PM | Anonymous
I am an ordinary person
touched by the love of God
in my deepest pain

so grateful
for this process and community
that we call the Twelve Step Program
grateful for the hope of it
grateful for the dignity of it
grateful for the Rule of Life that it offers me

grateful for accountability
grateful to the sober
grateful to be molded
by the hands of a very loving God
who touched me
 and called me
out of my deepest pain 
to hope.

and so, 
I worship.
I thank God.
emptied by the efforts of the Steps
cleansed by God's affection
healed by God's kindness
I receive Holy Communion
with gratitude



  • 02/12/2013 9:50 AM | Anonymous
    The word "awe" brings up such strong powerful images for me. I went to Yellowstone several years ago on a spiritual pilgrimage and all over Montana, I felt that sense of awe at God's gifts revealed in soaring mountain peaks and flowing landscapes.

    I sometimes don't think of my own miracle as just that, something to be in awe of - the transformative power of recovery to build a life out of the "wreckage of my past". Thanks for sharing with us your words of gratitude and reminding me today that awe is all around us.
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